
Local News Covers Rob's Stop in Lubbock - Texas

Actor Robert Pattinson made a pit stop at Cricket's Bar and Grill in Lubbock, just off the Texas Tech Campus Monday night. While the waitstaff expected a slow night due to the Labor Day holiday, they quickly learned it would turn into a frenzy.

Brittni Vivion, a waitress at Crickets said Pattinson went unnoticed for almost four hours before the realization set in.

"He came in around 5 o'clock at our happy hour shift. Nobody really noticed that it was Robert Pattinson until about 9 o'clock and finally a couple of bartenders and waitstaff asked him and then he kind of denied it at first and then eventually he fessed up and said that it was him. And so the word got out and about 20 minutes later we had a rush of girls come in. They were just flaunting themselves over him. We finally had to shut the bar down and not let anybody else in cause it was just crazy, said Vivion."

Pattinson left the bar at closing time through a back exit. Bystander Marissa Mason described the scence as a chaotic.

There is no official word on why Pattinson was in Lubbock. But theories on various gossip sites indicate he may have made the stop on his way to New Orleans where his Twilight co-star and real life love interest Kristen Stewart is shooting a movie.

"There was just a large crowd of girls just screaming and standing around hovering around the windows and doors and their were cameras out, everyone had their cameras out trying to take pictures of everything inside. There were several police out and just directing traffic, making sure people didn't stop, a lot of people were trying to stop and see what was going on."

Rob Pattinson was spotted in Lubbock, Texas at Cricket's Sports Bar on Broadway on Monday, Sept. 6, 2010. No one knows why he was here but he was with like 2 other guys. People were posting the news all over Facebook and the bouncers quit letting people in because over 200 girls showed up..

..and were waiting outside the front door. He sang karoke and waved at the girls in the window occasionally. I went to the back door because I figured that would most likely be his way of getting out. At about 1:30 AM a white truck driven by a..

..police officer followed by two other cop cars pulled up to the back door and Robert and his two friends walked out and got in the car. The police blocked off the streets so it was impossible to follow him.

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